Sales Tax Report is Incorrect when Partial Payments are Involved

DoeValleyDoeValley Member Posts: 4

I found an instance where the sales tax report is giving false information. In July, 2021, I had four different invoices where I received partial payments that were each the final payment for those invoices. Since I use cash accounting methods, and my state requires me to submit any sales tax I have collected on a monthly basis, I paid the sales tax on the earlier payments for the months that I received them. In addition, the Wave report included these partial payments in the "Sales Subject to Tax" in the month in which I received those payments. However, for the July sales tax report, Wave correctly calculated the "Sales Subject to Tax", based on the actual money I collected in the month, while calculating the sales tax due based on the invoice totals, rather than the actual amounts collected during the month. I was able to find the discrepancy and pay the state the proper amount, but now Wave is telling me I still owe a balance that I do not actually owe, and I cannot find a way to rectify this so I can again trust the report.
In the screenshot below, you can see that it says the NC Sales Subject to Tax is $15,511.23 (which is correct), and the NC Tax Amount on Sales is $836.80 (which is not correct). 4.75% of $15,511.23 is only $736.78! Two of the three counties have the same error. The county in this report with the correct tax amount is one where there were no partial payments. I hope this can be corrected soon, so the report will calculate the tax owed based on the money received, rather than invoice totals. For future tax payments, I will have to manually calculate all the totals if I want to make the proper payments!

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