Sort on Description

Andre WahlAndre Wahl Member Posts: 1

Could we please request a Sorton the Description column - This will greatly help to populate the Categories


  • CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    Hi Andre! Thanks so much for your feedback. For clarity: while our product team appreciates and values customer feedback, and this is a consideration when we plan out what we're doing next, we aren't able to build out functionality for Wave on request.

    Thank you again for taking the time to post! :)

  • wallymcgoowallymcgoo Member Posts: 1

    This used to be available? Where is the old 'transaction' view gone?

  • SophiaSophia Member Posts: 147 ✭✭

    Hi @wallymcgoo your transactions are still exactly where they used to be, under Accounting > Transactions, but if the page does look different to you, you're seeing the updated version of Wave accounting! We have information on all the great changes we've implemented here and a walkthrough of the new page's features here. I know interface changes can be a bit of an adjustment but we're confident the new transactions page will give you a more streamlined, easier experience :)

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