BECU Business - Connecting to Wave Issues

bainesbuiltbainesbuilt Member Posts: 4

BECU just updated their business platform. I just signed up for Wave yesterday so that I can invoice my clients, however, I cannot seem to connect the Wave Plaid payment system to my bank. Perhaps it is because of BECU's new business platform update? I can't seem to find help with this anywhere. I tried to manually connect to my bank but there are no options to export a bank statement as a .CSV, only .PDF. Any tips would be great!


  • mburwmburw Member Posts: 1

    I am having the same issue. BECU's connection with Wave has been spotty throughout the year, but since they updated their business banking, it's lost the ability to connect to Wave completely. Both Wave and BECU are unhelpful in resolving. When I try to reconnect my BECU accounts to Wave, it just keeps saying that my login credentials are incorrect. Which is not true. I'm about ready to switch to another accounting service because this is extremely frustrating. Wave, how can this be repaired?

    edited October 25, 2021
  • ChevassusChevassus Member Posts: 7

    I have multiple businesses with multiple business accounts through BECU, and sadly I am in the same boat too.

    It appears BECU rolled out their "upgrade" (LOL) without realizing that tons of their customers use Plaid to connect to third-party software (such as Wave).

    You can see BECU scrambling to manage damage control over on their Twitter.

    Side note: Quickbooks Online (horrible, I know) is also not able to connect, even though "BECU Online Business" shows up in their dropdown box. I get this error:

    BECU knows about this error, as seen over on their Business Online conversation page.

    I am amazed BECU forced their business customers to transfer online banking systems and not even think to ensure their new banking system connects to Plaid and Quickbooks online.

    This is a huge point of failure from BECU.

    They're going to forfeit so many business customers over this failed transition.

    BECU #BECUBusiness #BECUUpgradeFail

  • bainesbuiltbainesbuilt Member Posts: 4

    So frustrating! Such an oversight. Hopefully they can get this addressed soon. I went elsewhere for invoicing for now, which is unfortunate for Wave. Appreciate the feedback!

  • ChevassusChevassus Member Posts: 7

    I have received instructions (for WaveApps) from BECU. (below)

    **_WaveApps Tech Support: _Will you please implement the below instructions from BECU so we can connect to our BECU business accounts? **

    Hi, Beau! We want to thank you again for sharing this information with us. We had the chance to look into the matter for you and you would have to ask Waveapps to change where their app is pointed from Online Banking, to Business Online Banking. Waveapps is the app vendor, and they embed Plaid inside their app. Unfortunately, this is not a step BECU can do for our members.

    You can ask Waveapp to please connect to:

  • RaintechRaintech Member Posts: 12

    Has anyone been able to get input from Wave on this?
    What are you all doing in the meantime? Manually uploading statements? If so, what method works best for you? I know BECU has different options for the format of the export.

    @Chevassus said:
    I have received instructions (for WaveApps) from BECU. (below)

    **_WaveApps Tech Support: _Will you please implement the below instructions from BECU so we can connect to our BECU business accounts? **

    Hi, Beau! We want to thank you again for sharing this information with us. We had the chance to look into the matter for you and you would have to ask Waveapps to change where their app is pointed from Online Banking, to Business Online Banking. Waveapps is the app vendor, and they embed Plaid inside their app. Unfortunately, this is not a step BECU can do for our members.

    You can ask Waveapp to please connect to:

  • RaintechRaintech Member Posts: 12

    As of yesterday, 11/3/21 I see that BECU Business does show up in the Wave app for selecting your bank. Like before, I does prompt for an authorization code you have to receive by email.
    Once you enter the code Wave bounces back with an error.
    If you noticed when you log into becu business on a new device for the first time, it does the same thing in emailing you an authorization code. But, after you enter the code BECU also then prompts you to say "YES" this is a trusted device you are using. I think Wave stumbles out when BECU is asking this question and then reports back an error to the wave user.

    What do you think?
    Anyone able to successfully get it to work?
    For those that are reading these and not posting, you don't have to register to post here or give an email address. Just make up a user name and post. It's pretty easy and helpful to share your experience here so please take a moment to do so.

  • ChevassusChevassus Member Posts: 7

    Update: Wave has successfully added the BECU Business option as a method to connect to.
    Thank you, Wave!

  • HyeHye Member Posts: 5

    As of November 8 2021, BECU business is still not working for my account. I see the same symptoms as described by Raintech on this thread: BECU business shows up as an option, but each time I have tried to connect Plaid returns an error.

  • RaintechRaintech Member Posts: 12

    I am still having the same problem.
    I enter the "code" and get the same error message (See image below).
    I called BECU and they said there is nothing wrong on "their" end.
    I think it is an issue with BECU prompting you to select yes/no on registering your device as a "known device". Not that we get to see that prompt when WAVE is trying to connect but each of my devices has gone to that "next step" after entering the code where BECU forces you to select yes/no if you want to register your device so you don't have to do the code nest time.
    Are there any of you who have successfully connected WAVE to BECU Business? Did you have any issues that you had to work through? Were you asked to have a code emailed to you as well?

  • HyeHye Member Posts: 5

    Hi Raintech -

    I just got off the phone with BECU tech support. We ran tests and they live traced the API access and here's what we saw for what it's worth.

    BECU could see the access sequence which included the correct uname/password, they detect apparent access from an unknown device (which is Plaid), then the sending of the needed security code for the unknown device, then BECU receives the code from Plaid and verifies that the code is correct.

    From there, Plaid immediately bombs out with the error message you included in your posting.

    Apparently, on their side it looks to BECU as though everything is working correctly and Plaid is indeed transmitting the correct code. BECU unfortunately is not a Plaid developer and could not tell from their side why Plaid errors out after the code is received by BECU.

    While I was on the phone, the BECU support person I spoke with even spent some time with me to try to scout around for someplace on the Plaid site to contact them, but as I think you already know the page Plaid publishes as their consumer help center had not obvious point of contact for non-developers.

    On the Wave side, although I use Wave invoicing and pay the Wave fees for that, I no longer seem to have a live chat or email support option for my account, so I'm not sure what if anything Wave could do to get through to Plaid about this.

    That's what I have so far.

  • RaintechRaintech Member Posts: 12

    @Hye said:
    Hi Raintech -

    I just got off the phone with BECU tech support. We ran tests and they live traced the API access and here's what we saw for what it's worth.

    BECU could see the access sequence which included the correct uname/password, they detect apparent access from an unknown device (which is Plaid), then the sending of the needed security code for the unknown device, then BECU receives the code from Plaid and verifies that the code is correct.

    From there, Plaid immediately bombs out with the error message you included in your posting.

    Apparently, on their side it looks to BECU as though everything is working correctly and Plaid is indeed transmitting the correct code. BECU unfortunately is not a Plaid developer and could not tell from their side why Plaid errors out after the code is received by BECU.

    While I was on the phone, the BECU support person I spoke with even spent some time with me to try to scout around for someplace on the Plaid site to contact them, but as I think you already know the page Plaid publishes as their consumer help center had not obvious point of contact for non-developers.

    On the Wave side, although I use Wave invoicing and pay the Wave fees for that, I no longer seem to have a live chat or email support option for my account, so I'm not sure what if anything Wave could do to get through to Plaid about this.

    That's what I have so far.

    Thanks for the update Hye!
    I just tried to log in again before posting a reply, just in case I was successful but I still get the error.
    Unfortunately, we can't really get feedback from people who have been successful since they will likely not be here reading about problems since they don't have a problem.

    If by chance anyone is reading this who is successful in connecting to BECU with Wave, please take a moment and reply. You don't have to set up an account here or give your email so it's quick and easy.

  • bainesbuiltbainesbuilt Member Posts: 4

    Hi everyone- OP here. I was finally able to locate BECU-Business in the dropdown and was able to connect my account via the "Banking" tab. However, a client of mine paid an invoice this week and I am now unable to move the money from Wave to my BECU business checking account. When I go to "continue setup" there is then another dropdown to find BECU-Business and thus, it is not there. I am currently on hold to "chat" with a live person so I will update on that later.

  • bainesbuiltbainesbuilt Member Posts: 4

    Following up on my last comment- after speaking with someone via Wave chat we got it to work! Since BECU Business wasn't popping up, they prompted me to type "0" and then manually set up my account via routing and account numbers. Success! Wishing you all the best of luck.

  • HyeHye Member Posts: 5

    As of November 17 - Still does not work for me.

    Just tried again to connect to BECU business using the correct id/pw and then submitting the secure code through Plaid, and still get the same error as before ("Something went wrong" - the same as received by @Raintech).

    But thanks anyway. Although I am registered and have used Wave Payments, I am unable to access either chat or email support, so I appreciate your posting.

  • JBoeJBoe Member Posts: 2

    Thanks everyone for trying sort this out! I'm in the same boat as you guys and it's kinda bogging down the bookkeeping. If I discover anything I will share it here.

  • HyeHye Member Posts: 5

    It looks like Plaid may have fixed something recently - anyone have details of what might have changed? Fingers crossed if it actually works.

  • JBoeJBoe Member Posts: 2

    Yes, it just worked for me! HOWEVER, I can't switch my Payments account to the new account. When I try, it doesn't show the business accounts as an option. Because I can't delete the old "broken" account until I reassign the payments my transactions are all duplicated and a real mess. Will keep looking into this but if anyone else knows a solution please pass it along :)

  • RaintechRaintech Member Posts: 12

    @Hye said:
    It looks like Plaid may have fixed something recently - anyone have details of what might have changed? Fingers crossed if it actually works.

    It is in fact a Thanksgiving (today) Miracle. About a week ago I stopped trying to connect every day only to get the error. Today if figured, let's give it a shot!. Hallelujah it worked! Now back to normal, which means the connection will break every few weeks and need to be reconnected manually! haha

  • HyeHye Member Posts: 5

    @JBoe maybe the process described on the following thread might be useful?
    I'm going to give it a try as well.

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