
TSB (UK) System Update Disaster

abacus101abacus101 Member Posts: 1

Has anybody been able to connect to TSB since they updated their website, and broke it?

If they have it means that they have not updated the security system and it is just timing out or something.


edited August 29, 2018 in Bank Connections


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    WellOrganisedMicheleWellOrganisedMichele Member Posts: 1

    Nope - me neither! :/
    I can log into my account, but not connect through Wave...

    edited April 28, 2018
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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @abacus101 and @WellOrganisedMichele.

    Changes on a bank's website sometimes break bank connections, as is the case here. Banks very rarely announce changes to data aggregators, which makes it so they can't adapt to those changes immediately. The fact is that banks are rarely cooperative when it comes to allowing third-parties to export data from their website, even with an account owner's permission.

    Our data provider will be able to see those connection errors and will fix them following their own priority order. Until they do, you'll have to upload your bank statements manually, following the instructions here.

    edited June 26, 2018
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