Chase bank connection error

I've not used wave since may. When I logged in to update my accounts it was not pulling new data from chase. I attempted to reconnect the existing connection but it would not retrieve new data. Their was no error, just never updated for a 24hr period. I deleted the account at attempted to reconnect it. Upon selecting the chase bank I was informed by wave that I would be redirected to chase to authenticate. I was redirected but not to a login page. A chase bank info page with no buttons or links appeared. Using another tab in the browser I was able to authenticate via change, once the token was present, refreshing the wave linked page started the access and authentication process with wave. After approving the chase content access I was returned to the wave page. A few click and it said unable to retrieve data at this time please try again later.
I'm also seeing issues with Chase. I reconnect and it just disconnects again over and over.