province code for FR-75 not working with creating customer

samyaksamyak Member Posts: 6

Hi waveapps team,
we recently integrated waveapps invoicing on our application. it was working fine for now. however, we recently found an issue while creating customer. the wavapps api throws error when address.provinceCode value sent as "FR-75" for others it seems to work fine.

you could mail me at


  • AngelaCAngelaC Member Posts: 12 admin

    Hi @samyak !

    Normally, Wave follows the ISO 3166 standard where possible.

    FR-75 maps to the city of Paris, so I am guessing you actually want Île-de-France as the province. To get a list of valid provinces in France and their codes, you can run this query:

    query ValidProvinceChoices ($countryCode: CountryCode!) {
      country(code: $countryCode) {
        provinces {

    with this input:

      "countryCode": "FR"

    In the response, you'll find that Île-de-France maps to FR-J:

      "data": {
        "country": {
          "name": "France",
          "provinces": [
              "code": "FR-A",
              "name": "Alsace"
              "code": "FR-B",
              "name": "Aquitaine"
              "code": "FR-BL",
              "name": "Saint-Barthélemy"
              "code": "FR-C",
              "name": "Auvergne"
              "code": "FR-CP",
              "name": "Clipperton"
              "code": "FR-D",
              "name": "Bourgogne"
              "code": "FR-E",
              "name": "Bretagne"
              "code": "FR-F",
              "name": "Centre"
              "code": "FR-G",
              "name": "Champagne-Ardenne"
              "code": "FR-GF",
              "name": "Guyane"
              "code": "FR-GP",
              "name": "Guadeloupe"
              "code": "FR-H",
              "name": "Corse"
              "code": "FR-I",
              "name": "Franche-Comté"
              "code": "FR-J",
              "name": "Île-de-France"
              "code": "FR-K",
              "name": "Languedoc-Roussillon"
              "code": "FR-L",
              "name": "Limousin"
              "code": "FR-MF",
              "name": "Saint-Martin"
              "code": "FR-M",
              "name": "Lorraine"
              "code": "FR-MQ",
              "name": "Martinique"
              "code": "FR-NC",
              "name": "Nouvelle-Calédonie"
              "code": "FR-N",
              "name": "Midi-Pyrénées"
              "code": "FR-O",
              "name": "Nord-Pas-de-Calais"
              "code": "FR-P",
              "name": "Basse-Normandie"
              "code": "FR-PF",
              "name": "Polynésie française"
              "code": "FR-PM",
              "name": "Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon"
              "code": "FR-Q",
              "name": "Haute-Normandie"
              "code": "FR-RE",
              "name": "La Réunion"
              "code": "FR-R",
              "name": "Pays-de-la-Loire"
              "code": "FR-S",
              "name": "Picardie"
              "code": "FR-TF",
              "name": "Terres australes françaises"
              "code": "FR-T",
              "name": "Poitou-Charentes"
              "code": "FR-U",
              "name": "Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur"
              "code": "FR-V",
              "name": "Rhône-Alpes"
              "code": "FR-WF",
              "name": "Wallis-et-Futuna"
              "code": "FR-YT",
              "name": "Mayotte"

    Try using FR-J as the code to create this customer.


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