How To Divide Expenses Between 2 Business Accounts & 1 Personal Account In Wave

tinywolf1tinywolf1 Member Posts: 3

Hello. I'm new to Wave. I have two writing businesses (Company A & Company B) as well as a personal bank account. I run all my invoices from Wave (and love it). My accountant suggested I start using Quickbooks, but I prefer the ease of use and simplicity of Wave. I'd like to keep all my accounting with Wave, if possible.

Here's my question:

Some of my expenses (ie., utilities & home mortgage) need to be divided between the 3 accounts for tax write-offs.

For example, I pay my mortgage from my personal account but write off a portion of that expense from Company A & Company B.

If an expense like this is paid from one account, how do I best reflect a portion of that expense in my other Wave accounts?

Thank you for your help!

edited December 9, 2021 in Accounting Technical Support


  • tinywolf1tinywolf1 Member Posts: 3

    *Correction: Company A & Company B

  • tinywolf1tinywolf1 Member Posts: 3

    Thanks in advance for your feedback!

  • MikegMikeg Member Posts: 995 ✭✭✭

    I would suggest at the end of the year when your 1040 is done, you can make a journal entry based on the home office allocation (Form 8829) for each company. You would debit Home Office Expense and credit Owner equity or Owner Contribution.

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