
Categorizing transfers between accounts when Wave isn't providing a match

jshwhitejshwhite Member Posts: 1

Sorry if this has been covered already, but after some looking I'm not able to find a solution.

I recently moved, which entailed closing my local bank account and opening a new one. So there's a transaction in Wave for the cashiers check my old bank wrote me as a debit from that account (the last one, to be specific :smile: ). I deposited that check into my new account after I opened it up.

I thought that categorizing would be as simple as clicking "Transfer from bank, Credit Card, or Loan", and Wave would find the matching transaction. Wrong. It's not finding the matching transaction.

If I do it manually, it just creates another transaction and then in the report for the account shows a double debit for that amount from the account. That obviously won't work either.

What to do? I wish there was a way to manually select a transaction and match it, even if Wave didn't suggest it. Wave's too smart for it's own good sometimes and doesn't trust the human :neutral: Anyway, any suggestions?

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