
Rate Limits

hillkehillke Member Posts: 1

I am working on implementing Wave Accounting into my HOA. We have 306 customers that are pretty much cookie cutter billing, payment, etc.

I use the Wave API for most of the work since I can perform bulk transactions.

I am getting errors like this
{"errors":[{"extensions":{"resetAt":"2021-12-20T07:17:49.900Z","code":"RATE_LIMITED","id":"c9617e10-9296-47f8-b7a6-c1c174120e7c"},"message":"Too many requests, please try again shortly.","locations":[{"line":3,"column":5}],"path":["invoiceSend"]}],"data":{"invoiceSend":null}}

But I can't find documentation on what the rate limit is. I've coded my API calls to be asynchronous, pause in between, etc. so that I can play as nice as possible with the Wave API.

Where is the documentation as to what the rate limits are?


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    AngelaCAngelaC Member Posts: 12 admin

    Hi @hillke !

    Unfortunately, we do not publish our rate limits as they are subject to change. Our first recommendations are to:

    1. Reduce the quantity of invoices you send per batch, and/or
    2. Further increase the pause between requests

    If these options aren’t suitable, try implementing a backoff request pattern. Here is a good article which describes some common backoff strategies.

    edited December 20, 2021
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