
Obsolete products and services

mbolsingambolsinga Member Posts: 4

Can there be a way to "hide" products and services that are no longer used from the list that appears when you Add an Item to an invoice.


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    MarzMarz Member Posts: 2

    Yes, I would love to see this feature. And a way to hide or archive old customers as well. My products and customer list is becoming cumbersome and being able to archive or hide inactive customers or products is pretty standard in most accounting platforms. I'm actually shocked that Wave does not already have this as an option.

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    _Derek__Derek_ Member Posts: 62 ✭✭

    I've asked for this over the last 3 years. We've seen nothing, we've heard nothing. Ever since they were bought by HR block - all we get are marketing emails about using HR block tax services and the removal of some of the best features that Wave had - their receipt app. If you need these things go to QuickBooks because who the hell knows when Wave will do anything at this point.

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