
Possible delay in API New Invoice Integration

M_ShohateeM_Shohatee Member Posts: 2

Hey Team,

We developed a Zapier integration that will insert new Wave invoice details into a google sheet. The problem is that Wave API integration is automatically flagging and sending the new invoice details even during the process of creating the invoice. This is incorrect because we have not done creating the invoice. We notice this behavior we invoice is in creation process or in draft mode. We are only interested to publish or send a new/completed invoice after approving the draft mode.

Is there a delay setting in API New Invoice integration, to only publish or send a new invoice:

  • Once the invoice in a certain status, like invoice sent, partial payment or other status other than draft mode.
  • Having a default delay time, like 5 minutes after invoice creation. Or add delay settings in the integration section so each customer can delay the trigger of the API.

Your assistance is really appreciated!


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    dacklanddackland Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 25 admin

    Hi @M_Shohatee ,

    If I'm understanding correctly, you should be able to create a filter in your Zap to prevent invoices with a status of "draft" from continuing. For example:

    Using Zapier's test triggers, I was able to verify that an invoice with a status of "draft" would not continue, while others would have.

    As for creating delays, our API is not sending the invoice to Zapier. Zapier is polling for new invoices every 15 minutes, as mentioned on the integration page. As such, we are unable to create delays in this process.

    Hope the above helps.

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