Accounting help from before I opened business checking account - Screenshots inside

detailingkingdetailingking Member Posts: 9

Hi All - I need help fixing two issues from when I first started my business and did not have a bus checking account yet.

1) I import my business credit card into wave. My first 3 bus credit card statements I accidentily paid from my personal checking account and not my business checking account that is connected to Wave. I transfered as a lump sum the total of those three credit card payments ($2930.77) out of my business checking into my personal checking. In my checking account I have a $2930.77 that I dont know how to properly account for. And I have their corresponding credit card payment rows sitting orphaned. Credit card payment row $1132.89, $1278.09 and $519.79 (adds to 2930.77)

The 3 credit cart payments paid from personal account.

The lump sum transfer from my personal checking to bus checking account (only bus in wave)

2) Second I have 12 transactions that I put on my personal credit card when starting out that sums to $1515.01 that I did create transfer out of my business checking account into my personal account. Now I have these 12 transaction rows but im not sure how to account for them.

Example of 3 of the 12 transaction that i dont know how to account for

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