
Disabling Automerge

igotnostringsigotnostrings Member Posts: 5

How do I disable Automerge. It's ridiculous.


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    ScotanScotan Member Posts: 1

    Yes, how do you disable Automerge? It keeps merging DIFFERENT customer payments. The customers then appear as not having paid and their invoices show as outstanding... can imagine how much hassle that causes. Please get rid of this useless function or at least allow it to be switched off

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    igotnostringsigotnostrings Member Posts: 5

    In case any of the devs from Wave see this - this is an absolute idiotic addition to wave. I'm not sure whose kid is working up at the 'idea' department over there but they are a mouth breathing moron and should be let go. Adding something like this and not having a simple toggle to initialize or deactivate additions like this is asinine. FFS get it together. Two maybe three people on the planet that you are aware of that can't look up his or her own transactions against a reconciliation document shouldn't be using accounting software to begin with.

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    scottyhuffscottyhuff Member Posts: 8

    Agreed!!! TURN THIS OFF or at least give us the option!!!!

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    midwest_kcmidwest_kc Member Posts: 12 ✭✭

    Automerge saves me many clicks, and I appreciate it. However, having the option to turn it off seems like something that would make sense and would have been implemented from the beginning.

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    MarzMarz Member Posts: 2

    I agree. Automerge has been a nightmare. It keeps merging transactions that don't match. It's wasting my time trying to undo this and get everything properly balanced again. Either have the option to turn it off or have it suggest merges that you then have to approve. A feature that makes it harder to do your accounting is not a good feature at all and will keep customers from try other features, like payroll or credit card processing.

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    Jodib131Jodib131 Member Posts: 1

    For the devs... While I understand what Automerge is trying to help do, it isn't a good fit for everyone. For us, each of our customers gets their parts billed directly to their specific invoice. We can have multiple customers in a day with the exact same repair (and thus exact same individual transactions on our end)... Automerge is a devastating feature for a set up like this, as it can have multiple people showing non-payment and throws off our expense report. This can wreak serious havoc on the bookkeeping over time if every single merge isn't caught and separated properly. And, reconciling the bank statement can be a nightmare. It renders Wave not feasible for many companies. ... A toggle switch to disable this feature would be a great solution. Or at least, a Matching function like QuickBooks has, which gives your client the option to merge or not.

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    EllenDEllenD Member Posts: 1

    I pay the same parking daily and Wave "auto-merges" it.

    This question has been asked in January and no reply from any moderator. Please, could you help us?

    Thanks a lot

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    mdscroggins99mdscroggins99 Member Posts: 2

    I have recently implemented WAVE and it fits my business well. I am still getting implemented for 2022 but agree with the requirement to turn auto merge off. However here are my personal observations. There is an option to turn auto merge off for a connected account before the first update. After the first update on a connected account that option is now longer display on the screen. Hopefully the fix is just giving us access to the option that appears to already exist.

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