Reconciliation bug

BradHBradH Member Posts: 1

Hi - I'm getting a bug in Wave where it doesn't properly account for a dividend payment in reconciliation.

For some reason, Wave isn't showing the right Wave balance in one part of the screen but is showing the correct balance in another part of the screen.

If I click or unclick anything in the table, the app updates, and then displays the correct balance in the Wave balance, and reconciles properly. But, when I press reload, the reconciled balance reverts back to being wrong.

Not sure if the same problem, but my accounting identity (Assets = Liability + Equity) no longer adds up, so something is broken in the double-entry accounting. Also, there is a mystery transaction for $10k that is throwing off my expenses - it shows up in reports, but can't be viewed anywhere. Not sure if this all part of the same problem.

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