BUG Invoice and Customer Archive Option

icedroiticedroit Member Posts: 2

The way the current system is is a total joke.
A customer made a payment for an invoice via credit card, then the payment needed to be refunded, so it was refunded, then customer left the business so no more need for his profile.
I can't delete this invoice since there was a card payment linked to it. There is no way to archive it, so this invoice is sitting on the Unpaid Invoices section for years now.
Such a mess.
Literally every other invoicing program (quickbooks, freshbooks and ALL OTHERS) have the option to archive an invoice and customer! Any normal financial services company understands this and will let business owner archive a customer / invoice etc. but WAVE is ignoring this. Absolutely outrageous. Stop doing everything else and ADD INVOICE AND CUSTOMER ARCHIVE OPTION or else I and other customers will have no option but to stop using Wave.
This invoice has been sitting under the Unpaid invoices section for years now and it stays as status Unpaid when it was purposely REFUNDED!! No way to archive it or delete it or archive the customer, so it's a MESS.

Don't ask the question "explain to me how this would benefit your business" because this is outrageous. Every normal human understands invoices and customers need to be archived for various reasons.
Wave, do not attempt to justify this - once you refund an invoice that had a card payment linked, there is no way to delete the invoice so it sits in the unpaid section for years. Such clutter, mess and makes no sense.

Set this as #1 bug priority

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