Bank connects in one set of books but not another.

jonkwilliamsjonkwilliams Member Posts: 4

In Wave I have personal books and business books under the same login. Until recently I had no problem with the connection to my credit union accounts in both personal and business, and I simply chose the accounts I wanted (checking and savings) imported into each. Now I find I am only connected to the CU in Wave business. The CU connection in Wave personal has disappeared and when I try to reconnect with it Plaid reports an error, telling me to try again later. It's done that now for a week or more so something's obviously wrong. Wave business is successfully importing transactions so the credentials it's using seem to be correct. And I can log into the CU website itself with the credentials I have in my password app. But those same credentials fail every time I try to create a new connection through Wave. Thoughts, anyone?

edited February 21, 2022 in Bank Connections
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