
Does Wave try and connect to internet banking intermittently?

JudgieJudgie Member Posts: 1

Got a text message from my bank to say that I logged on, but I didn't. Only thing is I can think of is that Wave is logging on in the background. Anyone experienced this?

edited August 29, 2018 in Bank Connections


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Judgie.

    The type of bank connection we use should trigger alerts like this one, but it might be the cause. I would recommend calling your bank to clear things up. If you give me a bit more information about the time of those attempts, I'll be able to confirm if it is, in fact, our data provider trying to get in to import transactions.

    edited May 14, 2018
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    TebogoTebogo Member Posts: 1

    Hi @Alexia

    I've had a breach in my online banking earlier this year before using Wave.

    This past week since starting to use Wave, I have been receiving login notifications now and am assuming this is the Wave app!?

    How can I verify if indeed the logins were from the app. Is there some sort of log which can show me login times etc to check against my banks login activity?

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    fionabfionab Member Posts: 2

    I'm having the same issues - spent ages on the phone to my bank and they assure me it's nothing sinister, however I'm getting notifications at night, often around 9pm, when it's definitely not me logging in. Surely this setting can be turned off? It seems a security risk if an app is doing things without our knowledge?? Possibly even enough to make me leave this system...

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Tebogo and @fionab.

    Connectivity with our data provider does not cause this connecting to every bank, however depending on the security protocols employed by your bank you may be notified any time someone other than yourself accesses your data, which is what's happening when you connect your bank to Wave. for more information on the security of bank connections, you can check out this article.

    Our data provider usually connects every day, around the same time. If you can contact your bank to get the IP address from which this connection attempt comes from, I'm happy to check it against our data provider's to confirm what's at play here.

    If you would feel safer not using the bank connection system at all, you can upload your bank statement following the instructions found here.

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