Help merging credit card payment transactions


We've reviewed the help article on How to create a transfer between two accounts (e.g., categorize a credit card payment), though we're encountering a problem.

  • Once we categorize the credit (in green) on May 14th there is a duplicate entry created titled Created Transfer. This is expected.
  • However, there is also another transaction created by the data imported from the Amex connected account.
  • It appears that the most logical next step would be to merge the two transactions in the attached image with the blue check mark next to them, so that there aren't duplicate debits (in black). Though, the option to merge the transfers is greyed out and cannot be selected.
  • We thought that instead we could remove the Created Transfer line item, though once we do this, the ONLINE PAYMENT category then changes to uncategorized, and once we categorize it, the Created Transfer is re-duplicated!

Please advise on how we can merge these two transactions with the blue check mark, or otherwise remove the duplicate transaction on May 14th.



    Just circling back on this! Some guidance would be much appreciated!

  • MikegMikeg Member Posts: 995 ✭✭✭

    Delete the Created transfer. After that, select either the disbursement (black) or deposit (green) and click on the drop down. Select Transfer from Bank, Credit Card. It should find the match on it's own. Select the match and Wave will categorize as a transfer between them.


    @Mikeg, thanks for taking the time to respond! Regretfully, when we follow the steps you've outlined precisely, we end up right back where we started :( Any other suggestions?

    Here's a visual representation of the sequence:

    1) We delete the Created Transfer

    2) The deletion is confirmed

    3) The deposit (green) becomes Uncategorized Income

    4) We select the category drop-down and begin to type transfer from which brings up the Transfer from Bank, Credit Card, or Loan option.

    5) We select Novo Checking

    6) Rather than a match being found for the AMEX EPAYMENT, we end up where we started with another Created Transfer item.

    We also tried to explore Wave Advisors in order to pay for assistance, though haven't heard back from the Business Development Associate that we contacted last Wednesday. Our confidence in Wave Accounting is waning...

  • MikegMikeg Member Posts: 995 ✭✭✭

    It does not appear that the credit card is connected, so Wave does not see another account to transfer to.


    Thanks again for your reply! I can confirm that the credit card is connected and automatically importing. While I've redacted the card digits, I can assure you that they match.

  • MikegMikeg Member Posts: 995 ✭✭✭

    The reason I thought that is that you normally see the account on the drop down for the transfer to credit card when categorizing. But now I see what your problem is. Please change the category of the credit card payment to uncategorized. You currently have credit card fees. It is looking for something that is uncategorized.


    @Mikeg, you're our hero! Bingo — that did the trick! Tracked you down on LinkedIn and sent you a connection request. We'll be in touch when we come up for air :)

    Final result:

    edited March 21, 2022
  • MikegMikeg Member Posts: 995 ✭✭✭

    Thanks. Feel free to reach me directly at I'm not active on networking platforms.

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