Is Wave still in Maintenance Mode (2 days and counting)?

motoramblermotorambler Member Posts: 53 ✭✭

I've been trying to upload bank .csv statements for two days now but get the below error as soon as I hit the 'Upload' button:

If I click the 'Check out status page' link I don't see any problems:

Anyone else seeing this?

edited March 14, 2022 in Accounting Technical Support


  • motoramblermotorambler Member Posts: 53 ✭✭

    Update: so the issue is Wave won't play with any .csv file unless it's generated by Google Docs or MS Office. I tried uploading the identical .csv files built in WPS Office, Only Office, Free Office, and Libre Office but NONE are accepted by Wave. These are simple 3 column files (date, description, and amount) with no funky formatting. I guess we upload plain text spreadsheets at Wave's convenience, not ours.

    Update 2: .csv files uploaded via Open Office will work but not without massaging.

    edited March 15, 2022
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