
New to Wave

OldSchoolOldSchool Member Posts: 3

I just started Wave and would like to begin my accounting at January 1, 2022 for simplicity. When I connected my bank account, it imported transactions all the way back to 2020. How do I simply start from January 1st?


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    MikegMikeg Member Posts: 995 ✭✭✭

    Use the filter icon on the transaction page. Select 2020 and be sure all transactions on being shown, You may need to click Load More Transactions. Now select all and delete.
    Keep in mind that your opening balance needs to be posted so that your cash balance agrees. There are a couple ways.
    You can either add a journal entry or add a deposit. For the journal entry
    Debit the cash account and credit Owner equity
    For the add deposit, be sure the category is Deposit from Personal

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