
Where has the option to offer Credit Card Payments gone?

AussieSam_1AussieSam_1 Member Posts: 4

Since a recent interface change, WAVE seems to have removed the option, 'allow customers to use credit card' upon creating an invoice, hence all customers can use credit card to make payments. Previously I would not offer that feature unless they asked to use a CC, in which case i could advise them of the extra charge and add that to their invoice. Now it is presented automatically as an option and the charges are being taken from my fee.

Is there a way to remove this option to clients as in the previous version of WAVE or will I have to advise all clients of this in advance? To me is an annoying and costly new feature of using WAVE, i preferred the previous version.

edited August 31, 2018 in Sales & Invoicing Feature Ideas


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    Ellie_Writes_ThingsEllie_Writes_Things Member Posts: 42 ✭✭

    Hey @AussieSam_1, there's a button on top of the screen, after you create an invoice. but before you send it. It says "Online Payments" and either on or off. You can turn credit card payments on or off with that button for specific invoices.

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    RezaReza Member Posts: 24 admin

    Hi @AussieSam_1

    As @Ellie_Writes_Things suggested you can disable payments on a per-invoice basis using the 'Online Payments' button at the top of the page.

    If you want to change the default setting for invoices, you can do that from the left side navigation by clicking Settings > Payments:

    If you change the default setting, you can still enable payments on a per invoice basis.

    Hope that solves the issue for you.

    edited May 7, 2018
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    AussieSam_1AussieSam_1 Member Posts: 4

    Thank you @Ellie_Writes_Things and @Reza for your comments. @Ellie_Writes_Things this certainly used to be the case and as I mentioned I could set this on an invoice to invoice basis, this option has disappeared and I can no longer do this.

    @reza, the payments tab under settings doesn't exist anymore, this is my probelm! Where have these options gone??

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    AussieSam_1AussieSam_1 Member Posts: 4

    OK ladies and gentlemen i present to you..."The Answer"!

    I am an Australian (that's why i called myself AussieSam_1) BUT I am currently living in Indonesia. WAVE does not have Credit Card options allowable in Indonesia along with many other countries. WAVE assumes I am operating in Indonesia (which I am as well) but won't let me change my settings or make use of any Credit Card features for my Australian operations whilst in Indonesia. I guess I could change them if I used a portal or whatever they are, i've never used them before.

    Thanks for your comments you helped me find the answer.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @AussieSam_1.

    You are exactly right! The availability of those features is based on the address of your business (which should match the country in which you pay taxes). At this time, we don't offer payment services in Indonesia. Payments outside of Canada and the United States are processed by Stripe, and we only support payment processing from countries they fully support.

    You can find out a bit more about this here.

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    AussieSam_1AussieSam_1 Member Posts: 4

    Got it! I changed my address on the Invoice to where i'm staying in Indonesia and that removed the credit card controls though oddly it allowed all customers to pay by credit card...hmmm. Anyway i changed it back to my Aussie address and it works as it used to and should. I guess the correct way to use WAVE when operating in 2 x countries is to have 2 x accounts.

    Thanks for your help.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Happy to help!

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