'Account Transactions' report for specific contact doesn't list invoice payments

SBenoitSBenoit Member Posts: 48 ✭✭

I'm a bookkeeper with dozens of Wave clients and have been happily using Wave professionally for years (it's the only platform I work with!) so I'm a bit embarrassed that I haven't run into this issue yet...

I'm trying to get someone established with a proper 'Customer Prepayments and Customer Credits' liability account (which I'll call 'Customer deposits' here) that can report transactions separately for each of their many clients. The accounting flow is to have deposits paid into the corporate bank account which are categorized to the Customer deposits account, and tagged with the respective customer that paid it. Then, when the work is done an invoice for that customer is created and marked as paid from available funds in that Customer deposits account. Pretty simple flow.

If I run an 'Account Transactions' report and select this Customer deposits account, and set the 'Contact' field the the customer I want to view transactions for, I don't see the invoice payments at all, only the pre-payment deposits received from the customer, so the ending balance is a large credit position with no debits.

Is there a reason why invoice payments (debit deposits liability, credit A/R) aren't showing up in this report? Is it possible I'm not recording the invoice payments properly? It seems that this is an unintended behaviour and I hope it's something easy to fix. There are enough individual customers for this client that I wouldn't want to deploy unique 'Customer deposits' liability accounts on the balance sheet for each, so I'm hoping the 'Contact' filter can be made to include these.

Invoice payment details:

Account Transactions report:

Thank you!

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