Bill Payments don't show up in Expenses?

melissaboufounosmelissaboufounos Member Posts: 2

I've been adding in expenses manually in transactions but I've also added (and paid) for bills. I've noticed that any bill payment I have made has not been added to my list of expenses...


My expenses are WAY off since I make a lot of bill payments.


  • James_HudsonJames_Hudson Member Posts: 121 admin

    Hey Melissa,

    Any time you record a payment directly to a bill, it should create an expense transaction in the "Transactions" page to account for the expense. Is there a corresponding transaction for each of your paid bills?

    The thing with bills is that once they're added, they won't immediately contribute to your expenses, but to your accounts payable instead (this is a liability that represents the obligation of the bill). Only once a bill is actually paid will it clear from your Accounts Payable and contribute to your expenses.

    Do you think that might be why your expenses appear off?

  • Hein1Hein1 Member Posts: 2

    Hi there,
    I am sitting with the following issue, do you recommend I start a new thread?
    My bills paid and expense transactions all match, but the bill payment is not automatically cleared from accounts payable, I have to pay each bill manually and in my transactions folder, I have to manually allocate the expense category while the expense is already sitting in "bills paid"

    This creates a lot of double work and will it not duplicate my expenses as well?

    PS: When I try to allocate an expense to "create bill payment" that bill is not found, because it has already been paid.

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Hein1

    Are you uploading your transactions automatically through your bank connection? Because that would cause duplicate expenses. If you are, you have to stop recording your bills as paid manually through the Bills page, and instead attach the matching expense as a bill payment by assigning the right category (Payment for a bill).

  • books123books123 Member Posts: 1

    Same problem here!

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @books123.

    This issue was reported all the way back in January, so your issue might be a different one. Can you go into more details telling me what's happening? The more information you can give me, the better I'll be able to help.

  • ThomasDalyThomasDaly Member Posts: 15

    I am having the same or a similar problem. The first screenshot shows a bill categorised as 'Computer - Broadband', which has been paid. But when I search for the expense category in the transactions screen, nothing shows up (see 2nd screenshot).

  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @ThomasDaly! I've just sent you a support ticket email so I can further explore what could be going on here. If you could please send me a reply when you get a chance, that would be awesome.

  • joelhjoelh Member Posts: 1

    Hi! @JamieD I have the same issue at @ThomasDaly .
    I've now seen that the transactions DO show up in the Account Transactions under reports. But not in the "Transactions" search.
    Let me know if you figured out why this is! Thank you!

    @JamieD said:
    Hey @ThomasDaly! I've just sent you a support ticket email so I can further explore what could be going on here. If you could please send me a reply when you get a chance, that would be awesome.

  • ThomasDalyThomasDaly Member Posts: 15

    Hi @joelh , as you said, paid bills don't show up in their proper categories in the transactions search. It's because Wave categorises them under a single 'bill payments' category in the transactions list. If you filter by 'Bills in Wave/payments' in the transactions list, you should be able to see the bill transactions. @JamieD you probably meant to alert @joelh rather than me.

    edited May 16, 2020
  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey @ThomasDaly

    Bravo! Thanks so much for that excellent answer for folks in our community :smile:

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