Suggestion: Improve Estimates

One thing that always frustrates me with Wave is that the Estimate section uses a different format to create Estimates when compared to the Invoice creation section. I usually end up just making an Invoice as a draft when I need an estimate, but this isn't ideal.
There are two main things that bother me about the Estimates creation section.
You cannot adjust the order of the items after they are added. I like to make neat, organized estimates, and not being able to change the order of the items (like you can do on invoices) is quite a pain. If you forget something, or need to add it, it has to go to the bottom of the list. Not ideal if you like to order your items logically.
The Description text boxes are small, and don't automatically grow in size as you type. Yes, you can drag the corner to make them longer, but that is an extra step, and they are still very narrow, which is not ideal. With estimates, I like to provide ample details and it's very annoying trying to work with those small text boxes. Why can't they be the same, large, auto-sizing, text boxes that the Invoices section uses?
These seem like simple things that Wave could easily implement... especially since they already exist in the Invoices section. Ideally, Invoices and Estimates would use the same exact interface for creation... it just makes sense.