
Costa Rica Digital Invoice Support

TavoJimenezTavoJimenez Member Posts: 1

Hi guys,

I am a proud Wave user in Costa Rica. Recently the Tax and Revenue Authority introduced mandatory digital invoicing. This has certain technical requests like the ability to generate and xml file and so on. I am wondering if Wave would interested in supporting its Costa Rica users. Currently the other options in the market does not offer Wave's features and are very limited.

I think users will be willing to pay a subscription if Wave were to enter the market.


edited August 31, 2018 in Sales & Invoicing Feature Ideas


  • Options
    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @TavoJimenez.

    Can you tell us more about these requirements?

    I can't promise we will update our invoices to satisfy those requirements. It isn't currently in the plans to do so, but we're more than happy to hear you out.

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