
Freelancing as a career or ?

AaronValeAaronVale Member Posts: 5

Recently, I’ve been really questioning if it’s time for me to make my part time freelancing job into a serious career. I currently am a photographer for small events throughout the week but the work seems to be coming more regularly and it’s work that I enjoy. I’ve been taking the steps to make this into a viable business and want to make sure that I am putting my business in a place to grow. Taking the next step is daunting, and so I figured I’d reach out and see if any of you had advice for making this transition successful.

Would love advice if anyone's got any...


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    Ellie_Writes_ThingsEllie_Writes_Things Member Posts: 42 ✭✭

    It's been working out for me, @AaronVale!

    Granted, I actually never did have a traditional job. I started doing freelance gigs before I was done with college and by the time I graduated, I had enough contacts lined up to more or less sustain myself. Okay, I also made lattes for the first year or so.

    If photography is what you love, and you feel like it's sustainable, I say give it a shot.

    I know some employers offer the option of taking a leave without pay. If yours does, that'd be a way to try things out for a few months and see how well you take to the freelancing life. I think if you're (rightfully) afraid of taking the leap, build yourself an exit strategy first.

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    amnasheikhamnasheikh Member Posts: 1

    You may be able to earn some extra income doing freelancing but if you are looking for a full time freelancing that really is very competitive. As you are the photographer and that's not a field like an app development or software development so the competition is very high it's as competitive as articles writing service which anyone can provide therefore I would recommend you to do freelancing as part-time work.

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    umairbinhabibumairbinhabib Member Posts: 5

    Hi Aaron,
    why not work 5 to 9 on freelance gigs and do 9 to 5 the traditional job? once you are able to get enough and stable income you can switch.

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    JJTCJJTC Member Posts: 35 ✭✭
    I would do the basics of income and expenses, if you were to take this as a full time business how many clients/projects would you have to do a month to sustain/advance your household? Then write out your goals, marketing plan, finances and expenses. Then get to work. If, it seems that for now your expenses outweigh your income maintain your presence and keep at it until it becomes self sustaining.
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