
Email field for invoices

LetItGrowSavannahLetItGrowSavannah Member Posts: 4

First, I'd like to say how wonderful it is to have the Wave app for my new small business needs. It makes billing & estimates much easier & more streamlined, and it's remarkable that it's free; so thank you.
I searched this topic before posting, and found limited information in a closed discussion from 2017, yet there is still no field to include my business email address on an invoice. On a recent project, I was communicating with a project manager, who was then communicating with their treasurer via email. In an email that was forwarded to me, the treasurer remarked that she wish she could have sent an email to me directly, but none was listed on the invoice. I scoffed, and swore I had included my email when I created the template. She must have missed it.
Boy did I eat my words when I realized I had not included my email, because there was no place for me to do so.
In the closed discussion from last year on this matter, it was mentioned that it was 2017 and nobody uses fax any longer. While I can only halfway agree with that sentiment (as a garden center manager, I faxed plant orders almost daily), I CAN agree that it's 2018 now, and I'm surprised this simple addition has not been made.
Can we make any headway on this? It looks out of place & unprofessional for me to use Address #2 field... or have it get lost in a subhead, or REALLY lost in the (never looked at) footer. (I say "never looked at" because it's where I leave instructions regarding 50% deposits and who to write the check to, and yet folks ask me those questions every. single. time.)

Thank you all very much.

edited August 30, 2018 in Sales & Invoicing Feature Ideas


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thank you for taking the time to write out and share your feedback, @LetItGrowSavannah.

    The assumption is that your email address will appear in the email your client receives. They'll see this: That isn't to say that you don't have a good point. I'll make sure to bring this to the attention of the right people, but I can't make promises or offer a timeline.

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    LetItGrowSavannahLetItGrowSavannah Member Posts: 4

    Thank you for taking the time to write out your reply.
    We all ought to know the phrase regarding assumptions by now, and that doesn't help anybody who exports their invoice as a PDF, sends it to the project manager who may then print and file the invoice, etc etc. Also, while I'm hoping (not assuming) that the ______@waveapps.com email address will forward to my actual business address, that doesn't help any client looking to, say, share my email address with a friend by simply looking at their paper invoice and saying "Oh, here you go".
    The assumption is narrow, and for as easy it must be to add a simple field to the design template makes it slightly absurd that this hasn't been addressed with all the inquiries on it. That being said, the problem-solving lot of us will simply create our own workaround to this limitation by using the "Sub header" field so that the email address may appear somewhere near the business name and other methods of contact (mailing address, phone number). In fact, I'd go so far to say that adding this field to the template could have been done in the time it takes to read all the inquiries on the subject, but I'm not a programmer, therefore will not assume...

    Thank you again. I hope others will also come to the conclusion to just use the subheader field for this purpose.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @LetItGrowSavannah.

    You are right about that email address, it's from an invoice from one of my own test accounts, hence the waveapps.com address. It would show the primary email of the account. I apologize for the confusion.

    With that said, thanks again for your feedback! I'll make sure to relay it to the team.

    edited May 14, 2018
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    LaurelLaurel Member Posts: 2

    TIP: I replaced the 'website' field (which doesn't display in preview the same way it sends anyway) with the accounts email address (I send the invoice personally but want them to communicate with accounts).

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    ManiMani Member Posts: 82 ✭✭✭

    @LetItGrowSavannah thank you for the feedback. We'll definitely consider how we can address this moving forward. @Laurel has a decent workaround, and another would be to put your email in the default subheading or notes field that shows up on every invoice. However, we recognize these are all workarounds and the solution should be more elegant and appropriately designed.

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    randw1randw1 Member Posts: 4

    Yea, I just put my email in the website field...
    and put my web address in my Logo...
    BUT this is not ideal!!

    BTW - wish there was more customization with invoices.. please!!!
    Like I really don't need to have United States in address...
    and don't always want to have 'payment due date'...
    sheesh keep it simple.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thanks for your feedback, @randw1!

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    za_userza_user Member Posts: 2

    Okay so this thread has been dormant since May and no progress has been made?

    Like I've mentioned on another thread, I have been evaluating Wave to move from another system, but I guess I was right - regrettably Wave is just too restrictive and too slow to implement common features found in pretty much every other system out there.

    Workarounds are not solutions - custom fields are needed.

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