
Cannot connect to MBNA Canada Mastercard account

sanjeevjsanjeevj Member Posts: 24

Wave is unable to connect to MBNA Canada account.

After a few seconds, the error is: Your bank's website appears to be experiencing technical difficulties. If you can successfully log in to your online banking, please try connecting or updating again in Wave. If the problem persists for 24 hours, please visit our help center."

On investigating further, I see the URL it is trying to get to is mbna.com which redirects to mbna.co.uk. However it should be going to mbna.ca which is the Canadian site.

Probably this is the issue for failing connection. Is this something I can change somewhere?

edited August 29, 2018 in Bank Connections


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @sanjeevnuts.

    I triple checked the link, and the login link we have for MBNA Canada is this:
    https://service.mbna.ca/waw/mbna/logon.action. You are right, however, mbna.com is the one that's displayed.

    Can you try clearing your cache, removing your connection and re-creating it?

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    sanjeevjsanjeevj Member Posts: 24

    Thanks. I cleared the Chrome cache anyway but this time I used IE (which I never use), cleared its cache and tried to connect.

    Using IE, it never went beyond the "Checking for security questions". After 10 minutes in this state, I killed it and tried again - same results.

    I'm game to try something else. BTW the connection never gets created so cannot be "removed" to try again.

    edited May 11, 2018
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    sanjeevjsanjeevj Member Posts: 24

    I installed and used Firefox. I get the same error as chrome.
    " Your bank's website appears to be experiencing technical difficulties. If you can successfully log in to your online banking, please try connecting or updating again in Wave. If the problem persists for 24 hours, please visit our help center."

    Can you please advise how to fix this? All caches were cleared.

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    sanjeevjsanjeevj Member Posts: 24

    I think I know where the problem is. Your query for checking the security questions from MBNA is not working. I never get the security question popup in any of the browser I use.

    I also tried connecting to Tangerine Bank and the security question promptly popped up for me to fill. This tells me Wave is unable to query the security questions properly from MBNA Canada.

    Can you please work with your provider to fix this.

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    glover_mglover_m Member Posts: 13

    Also having issues with MBNA. Have not been able to update in the last 5 days.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @sanjeevnuts and @glover_m.

    We send regular reports to our data provider on error messages and problems like these. We'll let them know about this issue, and they'll fix this connection according to their own priority order. There's unfortunately little more we can do directly. I would recommend using the bank statement upload function to upload your transactions until then. You can find out how to do this here.

    edited May 14, 2018
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    sanjeevjsanjeevj Member Posts: 24

    @glover_m said:
    Also having issues with MBNA. Have not been able to update in the last 5 days.

    Hi glover_m, were you able to connect successfully in past?

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @sanjeevnuts.

    I just checked out your account and your connection with MBNA seems to be active and successful. I just wanted to check in a see if you were still having problems.

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    sanjeevjsanjeevj Member Posts: 24


    MBNA Mastercard account integration has not been working for 3 days now.
    Please look at it.


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    glover_mglover_m Member Posts: 13


    MBNA connection not working again. It's been over a week since it was last able to connect.

    edited October 29, 2018
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    sanjeevjsanjeevj Member Posts: 24

    MBNA has changed their login method. Apparently they have removed the questions and now require a one time text message from a new device (You can opt for every-time text too). I did log in to the webpage and went through the one-time text process. However Wave still does not work. (Web login now works without the text because it was provided once). I do not want to import manually and end up with duplicates later when it starts working.

    Basically it means the connection provider has to update the authentication process used in wave, for MBNA.
    I'm asking Wave admins to reach out to their connection provider to update the login process. It has been over a week since it stopped working. Why is this not being escalated?

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    Paul_BCPaul_BC Member Posts: 2

    I have this, too. BIG PROBLEM for me. It's now 2 weeks. Wave Tech Support said they escalated this to Yodlee and they usually hear back in 3-5 days. Longer than that has now passed without an update!

    Does Wave need to reprogram their interface so it gets a request for the OTC from the bank and then send it on to the use?

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    CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    @sanjeevnuts @Paul_BC Thank you for reaching out. It sounds like you may have heard from my colleagues already but I want to assure you that we are working on this and committed to providing you with as much information as is available to us, as soon as we have it.

    We work with a third party provider that you've identified, called Yodlee. Our teams in-house aren't able to troubleshoot this directly; we act as liaison.

    When connections are disrupted, this is often due to changes on the bank's end, which you've also mentioned. Due to the nature of the relationship between the banks and the data provider, it isn't always possible to address these issues proactively. We must instead work to catch up with updates after the fact. Depending on the complexity of the change, it may take more or less time for the connection to begin working again.

    When ETAs aren't possible, we often recommend temporarily turning off your connection and switching to transaction upload. When you enable the connection again after it begins to work, you'll be able to select an import-from date.

    That said, we'll be sure to update you again here once we have more information.

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    glover_mglover_m Member Posts: 13

    Any update? It's now been 2 weeks and 4 days since this connection last worked. That seems like a huge amount of time to not have this connection working...


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    SamdSamd Member Posts: 552 ✭✭✭

    Hi @glover_m. My apologies about this continued issues. We are still waiting on a response from Yodlee about re-establishing the connection. There was a general outage for MBNA which they have said they have since resolved, but we have followed up given that there appears to be lingering issues for a number of our users.

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