Error while create billing?

GlenysGlenys Member Posts: 2

I tried creating new bill. Everything was fine until I added tax percentage. After adding tax I am not able to save the bill and it is keep on showing error. Attached the snapshot. I could save the bill if I didn't add the tax. Please help !


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Glenys.

    You can't set the category here as Accounts Payable. When you create a bill, an entry is automatically created under Accounts Payable. The category here would be whichever expense category is at play. So if it was a meal, you would choose "Meals & Entertainment". You might have to create a category in your Chart of Accounts to best categorize this line item.

  • GlenysGlenys Member Posts: 2


    Thank you very much. Its working now... You are great. Now tell me this, I purchased medicine product from vendor and I want to bill it, so that i can resale. Under which expense category i should choose....Any way to add new expenses under expense category

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Glenys.

    Yes! You can add new accounts on the Chart of Accounts page, under Accounting. You'll see an "Add an account" button on the top right of that page.

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