GraphQL API - "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR" when creating invoice

SnokownSnokown Member Posts: 2

Hi Team,
I am just starting to experiment with this API. Following the docs to create an invoice, I have input all the required variables for the , and for an existing product.

I am getting an "Internal Error" message when I try to send the request.

Is there possibly a problem with the GraphQL server or maybe I am doing something wrong?


  • KieronBKieronB Member Posts: 20 admin

    Hi @Snokown ,

    I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble, and that the error message isn't helpful. I think the error might be resulting from one of the Product IDs in the input. Make sure that each of the IDs provided here corresponds to a Product that you sell (ie, it shows up under Sales -> Products and Services in the Wave app). Products can be bought, sold, or both. A product that is marked as only sold cannot be added to an Invoice.


  • SnokownSnokown Member Posts: 2

    Hi @KieronB ,
    That solved it - I had to create a new product and mark that as both (for some reason the existing product I tried to create wouldn't update to reflect both).

    Thank you so much!

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