Farewell! The Wave Community will go offline on Jun 30, 2022

The Wave Community will go offline on June 30, 2022. We’d like to thank everyone who participated over the past 5 years with your questions, responses, and feedback.
As of June 3, we’ve closed the community to new posts and discussions.
How can I get help from Wave moving forward?
Use the help button in the bottom right corner of your account. Our Chatbot, Mave, will be able to answer your basic questions, or guide you to the best resource.
If you’re looking for 1-1 professional help, our Wave Advisors team can assist. They’ve created a video to help you learn more.
Why is Wave closing its Community?
We were unable to give the Community the time and attention it needed to thrive. We’ve decided to re-focus on improving our Help Center and Chatbot, Mave to empower you to get the help you need while using Wave.
How will I learn about feature updates?
Wave sends a quarterly newsletter to highlight important feature improvements right to your inbox. Look out for the next edition soon!
How can I submit my feedback?
Click the help button in your account and ask Mave to submit feedback. You can do this anytime - right within your account.
Will Wave open a new community in the near future?
We don’t have plans to open a new Community at this point in time.