How do you start your day?

I feel like every other article written for entrepreneurs is about sleep patterns and how to wake up earlier. With the sheer number of those articles floating around, I'm thinking, hey, maybe there's something there.
I've always had some trouble with insomnia, and while it hasn't stopped me from doing anything, I'd love to know what you do to start your day at the top of your game.
I'm a born morning person, @Centanni.
I'm generally up at 5 AM. I go out for a walk or a run immediately after getting up, get back home around 5:30, and have myself a James Bond shower (shower regularly, rinse off in cold water for 5 minutes at the end. Swear to go, it'll wakes you up like no amount of coffee ever will).
I'll have breakfast my desk while catching up on some reading. I rarely meet any clients before noon, so mornings are about lonely productivity for me.