
Managing employees

BenRajabiBenRajabi Member Posts: 13 admin

Hi everyone,

For those who use Payroll by Wave, what other tools do you use to manage your employees? Is there one that you'd like to see integrated with our Payroll application?

For example, do you use an HR software? or manage schedules and time offs on spreadsheets?


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    KenjKenj Member Posts: 27

    Would be keen to learn as well other than posting journal entries,

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    djana821djana821 Member Posts: 5

    My firm, as well as most of our clients, uses Homebase (www.joinhomebase.com) for schedule building, time-sheets, virtual time clock, tracking PTO, etc. This software integrates well with major POS providers such as Square and Clover as well. They have many "connections" to industry software for time-sheet importing. This software's basic version is also free, which makes it awesome for any small business.

    Can't say we use any "HR" software though - tried the free version of Zenefits once for our firm but it was too cumbersome. We are just storing all HR documents on an encrypted cloud-type service until something better comes along.

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    rmeralirmerali Member Posts: 5

    I would love some type of scheduling software that integrates into time sheets directly

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    keco86keco86 Member Posts: 4

    I use a google spread sheet for scheduling and time sheets.
    We pay bi-monthly and the awkward weekly timesheets in wave are too slow and difficult.
    Something that would allow me to import these values would be helpful

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    BenRajabiBenRajabi Member Posts: 13 admin

    Hi @keco86
    Thanks for the feedback. I would love to understand your business and process better. Could we set up a 15 min call to discuss?

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    keco86keco86 Member Posts: 4

    Yeah for sure.

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    BenRajabiBenRajabi Member Posts: 13 admin

    Awesome thanks @keco86 . Someone from our team will reach out to set up a call. I look forward to chatting with you.

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    LawrenceLawrence Member Posts: 3

    If there were a way to batch upload employee hours, it would be helpful. A CSV file upload option might work well for those using a spreadsheet as well as time sheet apps that can export to to CSV.

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    goatandsheepgoatandsheep Member Posts: 2

    I also use a Google Form. It's incredibly annoying to deal with. Employees are already familiar with signing into Wave to enter payment info and to get their paystubs and it would be easier for everyone if they could edit their timesheets too even if it's just entering the number of hours each day.

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    @goatandsheep . Although I can't say that this is coming anytime soon, your feedback has been noted!

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    goatandsheepgoatandsheep Member Posts: 2

    @AlexL aww that's too bad. How soon does alpha / beta open for the payroll timesheets API then? I'd rather make a payroll app for my employees than every week enter their times from the Google form results.

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    neelsneels Member Posts: 1

    when will payroll be available in south africa?

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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @neels

    Thanks so much for your question in our community!

    Due to overseas tax regulations, Wave is only available in North America for now. But if this ever announced I assure you that we would make an in-app notification letting you know :smile:
    At this time I appreciate you reaching out about this!

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    gr8tushargr8tushar Member Posts: 4

    We are planning to integrate Wave Payroll with our Hire to Retire platform - https://www.HawkHR.com . It supports employee management, Time Offs, Time sheets, assets, time tracking, expense management, travel, performance management and a lot more.

    Do let me know in case you would want to learn more about it and share your requiremens.


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