Converting Estimates to Invoices – convert with default notes

KblacKblac Member Posts: 20

I have noticed that the pre-customized invoice memo and footer are not being inherited when you convert a quotation to an invoice insisted the system inherits the quotation memos and footer.

Has anyone else noticed this?

edited January 4, 2021 in Sales & Invoicing Feature Ideas


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Kblac.

    This is by design. Memos and footers for estimates are only applied to estimates, and the same goes for invoices. When you turn an estimate into an invoice, the line items from the estimate are applied to the invoice template, which includes the memo and footer for invoices.

  • KblacKblac Member Posts: 20


    If am getting you right, once i turn an estimate to invoice the line items that were under the estimate should now change and pick the line items that are meant for the invoice, right?, so that now the new document(invoice) should have the line items meant for an invoice, right?

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Kblac.

    No, line items will stay exactly as they were in the estimate. If you need them to change to something different, they'll have to be modified by hand. The only things that will change between the estimate and the invoice are the wording on a few parts, as well as the footer and memo, as per the Invoice Customization page, in your settings.

  • KblacKblac Member Posts: 20

    Hi Alexia,

    Now i get you, but my account is not working as per your description. When i convert an estimate to an invoice only a few wording change on a few parts change but the footer and memo remain the same as on the estimate.

    Any idea what would be happening?

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Kblac.

    I have to apologize, I was wrong. I did some more research on this on our end, and in fact, memos and footers from estimates override the default memo and footer on invoices.

  • KblacKblac Member Posts: 20

    Can we call this a bug? What can be done?

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Kblac.

    I looked into a bit more, and this how the conversion from Estimate to Invoice works. You're bringing up a good point and an excellent bit of feedback. I'm going to forward this to our product team. They are in the best position to assess whether this should be changed or not, according to what Wavers expect from this feature.

    I can't make any promises, but I'll bring it up with the right people.

  • KblacKblac Member Posts: 20

    Okay thanks, hope to hear from them soon. I really do need that feature as i have to change the footer and notes manually all the time (that means i don't use the "send invoice" feature).

  • PhilGwynnePhilGwynne Member Posts: 0

    I'm sure I'm not the only one who suffers from this but it seems like an easy improvement that could be added to the way estimates are converted to invoices:

    In the default footer and notes text for my estimate template, I have some T&Cs, while the default footer and notes text in my invoice template has payment information.

    Now when I convert an estimate into an invoice, the estimate default footer and memo text is carried over to the invoice, even though it hasn't ever been changed from the default text. So I then have to copy over the footer and memo notes from another invoice and add it each time I convert an estimate.

    I'd like to see an improvement made where converting an estimate to an invoice also converts the default footer and memo notes from the estimate template to that of the invoice template. You could even add some logic to only do this if the default text has been used and not customised per estimate.

    edited January 4, 2021
  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @PhilGwynne,

    Thank you for the suggestion. You are not the first person to expect the memo and footer for estimates to change to the default memo/footer set for invoices. I understand where you're coming from expecting this process to work that way. I'm happy to forward your feedback to our product team. Thank you for taking the time to share!

  • KblacKblac Member Posts: 20

    Hi was this looked into? I can still see the invoice picking up information from the quotation/estimate

  • Ryan_WRyan_W Member Posts: 452 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Kblac,

    Right now, the way that Estimates convert to Invoices remains the same as it was back in May. However, we're looking to make some refinements to the Invoicing tool early in 2019, so this is great feedback to have about the current functionality!

  • HeyImGazHeyImGaz Member Posts: 2

    I'd like to bump this and push to have this changed this year. Major pain having to copy and paste bank details into invoice memo every time I make an invoice from an estimate. If anyone else feels this should be resolved please make an account and help me bump this post! Thanks :)

  • ZoeCZoeC Member Posts: 388 admin

    Hey @HeyImGaz, thanks chiming in on this, I definitely understand where you are coming from on this and you're not on your own. Thank you for your feedback and I will be sure to pass it along. :smile:

  • virgilwasherevirgilwashere Member Posts: 10

    [@PhilGwynne said:][q]
    I'd like to see an improvement made where converting an estimate to an invoice also converts the default footer and memo notes from the estimate template to that of the invoice template. You could even add some logic to only do this if the default text has been used and not customised per estimate.

    📣 show your support

    Please 🖱️click on the ⬆️ Vote Up or :heart:Awesome button ⏫ in @PhilGwynne 's post above to show your support for this :+1:

    :star: Thank you, 🌊Wave. :star:

    edited May 28, 2019
  • AlneStone_84AlneStone_84 Member Posts: 3

    Hey @Ryan_W
    Hope you are well!
    Just checking if there is any update on this feature... that the memo/details of Invoice created in "Settings' stays on invoice when you convert estimate to invoice.. (i use this part for my Bank details/instruction for payment reference etc)

    It will make things much more time efficient.

    Thank you ;)

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @AlneStone_84

    Unfortunately still no update on this feature request. Our developers are releasing some new updates soon for our invoicing system. Estimates will be something they look at after. Unfortunately we are not given a timeline as these can change often in the tech world. Thanks for bringing it to our attention again.

  • CharlesSladdinCharlesSladdin Member Posts: 1

    This would be so helpful! It's such a pain swapping the text that I almost don't bother using the estimate function sometimes...

  • HydraFloHydraFlo Member Posts: 10

    Hi there - just want to make sure this bug remains on your radar to be fixed at some point. I'm still having to manually alter my notes and footer fields on every invoice.

  • NicoletteBNicoletteB Member Posts: 122 ✭✭

    @HydraFlo Appreciate your feedback on this. For full transparency, we purposefully chose to not have the Estimate memos and footers to be converted over to Invoices when we originally designed the product. However, we understand the need for more flexible options and the ease this change could bring to your workflow. This is not currently on our roadmap but this feedback is being brought back to our Product teams so that they can look into how to make invoice creation easier for business owners like yourself.

  • KblacKblac Member Posts: 20
    > @NicoletteB said:
    > @HydraFlo Appreciate your feedback on this. For full transparency, we purposefully chose to not have the Estimate memos and footers to be converted over to Invoices when we originally designed the product. However, we understand the need for more flexible options and the ease this change could bring to your workflow. This is not currently on our roadmap but this feedback is being brought back to our Product teams so that they can look into how to make invoice creation easier for business owners like yourself.

    🤣🤣🤣🤣....which transparency? Wow, I so find your explanation funny......
  • HydraFloHydraFlo Member Posts: 10

    @NicoletteB said:
    @HydraFlo Appreciate your feedback on this. For full transparency, we purposefully chose to not have the Estimate memos and footers to be converted over to Invoices when we originally designed the product. However, we understand the need for more flexible options and the ease this change could bring to your workflow. This is not currently on our roadmap but this feedback is being brought back to our Product teams so that they can look into how to make invoice creation easier for business owners like yourself.

    Thanks NicoletteB - I think I can see both sides of this (issues arising from what I proposed as well as the current way - as I highlighted). If I could offer one potential solution (drawing on my business systems analysis experience from a past life) - On the estimate/invoice 'settings' screen, where it allows you to specify the default notes as well as footer for both estimates and invoices: if you provided a checkbox with description "Always use the invoice Notes and Footer when converting an estimate to an invoice. Warning, any notes and footer on your estimate will NOT be carried over to your invoice"
    This way, when converting estimate to invoice, you could just check that indicator field to determine if you have to preserve the notes/footer, versus replace them with the default invoice notes/footer

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey @HydraFlo

    Thanks so much for your positive contribution to a better workflow! We appreciate this and our team of developers are typically scouring the community for feature update ideas.

  • The_FixerThe_Fixer Member Posts: 1

    So where does this leave us as I have the same issue/inquiry? It seems kind of silly to have a "default" memo note and a "default" invoice note if the later doesn't exist when creating one from a converted estimate.
    This is a super easy correction and I think @HydraFlo has provided you the perfect solution. If this can't get corrected, I am probably going to have to reevaluate my choice of billing software as it's a major nuisance and time suck to have to correct each time.

  • KblacKblac Member Posts: 20
    > @The_Fixer said:
    > So where does this leave us as I have the same issue/inquiry? It seems kind of silly to have a "default" memo note and a "default" invoice note if the later doesn't exist when creating one from a converted estimate.
    > This is a super easy correction and I think @HydraFlo has provided you the perfect solution. If this can't get corrected, I am probably going to have to reevaluate my choice of billing software as it's a major nuisance and time suck to have to correct each time.

    Unfortunately they have indicated that the issue is not a priority for them so just evaluate your choice for now as this is not being sorted out anytime soon.
  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey again folks,

    At this time we're just not sure where it lies on the roadmap for us. Our team is putting in some extensive work on the backend reconstruction of the invoicing feature so that we can role out new changes easily moving forward. With regards to estimates at this time we haven't addressed this just yet, but our team is aware of this feature idea and is scanning the community for new ideas. Thanks so much for your contribution.

  • KblacKblac Member Posts: 20
    > @BarsinA said:
    > Hey again folks,
    > At this time we're just not sure where it lies on the roadmap for us. Our team is putting in some extensive work on the backend reconstruction of the invoicing feature so that we can role out new changes easily moving forward. With regards to estimates at this time we haven't addressed this just yet, but our team is aware of this feature idea and is scanning the community for new ideas. Thanks so much for your contribution.

    Well noted. Thank you
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