move my personal account data to another business account data

medampudimedampudi Member Posts: 2

I am an ardent user of Wave and love the software, but since you guys are moving away from the personal account transactions, i would like to know what would happen to the personal transaction data. can i move the personal data to a business account.


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @medampudi.

    What do you mean by us moving away from personal account transactions? While we did remove the personal budgeting feature some time back, there are no plans for removing the personal tab entirely. We're even working on a better workflow to move transactions between the personal and business tabs!

    That being said, there is something to be said about using a business to track your own accounting. It does give you reports to look into and a few extra features. You can't easily move your transaction from the personal page to a business page. You'd have to start from scratch by uploading all of your past personal transactions, or set starting accounts as required.

  • medampudimedampudi Member Posts: 2

    I understood when you guys did not give me any place to move them from and no docs.. been a Wave user from 8 years now.. and this is my first post. understand you ppl are awesome in that way.. Keep it up. I hope you are getting some new and exiting features to the personal tab.. it is getting down ad ugly there with added warnings and stuff.. :):):)

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