Sales Tax Reporting Changes

PLJPLJ Member Posts: 1

Hi there in the above blog post you mention changes to sales tax reporting, however these changes are not reflected in our existing wave account. We would be keen to report on a cash basis, is there something we need to do switch to the new sales tax arrangement ?



  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @PLJ.

    It seems that you're still on the older version of Wave, which doesn't have these features. We're working on migrating all of our users over to the new version of Wave over the next 3-6 months, so hang tight! All those new features are coming your way.

    In the future, Please make sure to ask your question under the appropriate category. This post belongs under Using Wave, and not under Forum Rules. I've taken care of moving the discussion, but please be mindful of the category in the future.

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