
Customising Customer Statements

KatjaKatja Member Posts: 3

Is there a way of customising customer statements as one can do the invoice? Can a footer be added? Is it possible to print the statement from the programe not only send via email? Also when printing an invoice that is only 1 page, why does it print a second blank page ?

edited August 30, 2018 in Sales & Invoicing Feature Ideas


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Katja.

    No, it isn't currently possible to customize customer statements, but I'd love to hear more about what you would do if that feature existed. What kind of information would you put in a footer for those statements?

    It isn't possible to print it out a statement directly from Wave, but a fellow Waver suggested a way to do it here. Maybe that'll help.

    As for the extra page when printing an invoice, that might be because the invoice is seen as being a little too big when you try and print it directly from your browser. Try downloading it as a PDF instead of printing it directly, that might help out.

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    KatjaKatja Member Posts: 3

    Thanks Alexia. I chose the Contemporary option to customise. It would be great to have the statement header look like the invoice. Suggestion: instead of having "Statement of Account" centered at the top of the page - the option to put "STATEMENT" where the current "INVOICE" appears on the invoice. Being able to add a footer or notes to the statement would enable the facility to add things like banking details (as on the invoice).. It would look far more professional to have related documents look the same.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thank you for that piece of feedback, @Katja!

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    bhimabibhimabi Member Posts: 5

    @Katja Hi,

    Having an option to add a footer like the one in an invoice will be great. We can then include bank details and other such information to make it easier for the customer to send in a payment

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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @bhimabi. Appreciate the feedback that you've provided here, I will bring up this particular feature request to our development team to see if this is possible for addition on a future roadmap, but I can't guarantee that this will be implemented anytime soon.

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    SustainergySustainergy Member Posts: 2

    I have a comment - when I send a customer a statement to their email via Wave (similar to how I send invoices), the statement automatically displays the credit card icons at the bottom of the customer statement. We do not accept credit card payments, so this is misleading to our customers. Can you please remove the icons from your statement template, or only allow them to show up if the Wave account is accepting credit card payments? Thank you!

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    ZoeCZoeC Member Posts: 388 admin

    Hey @Sustainergy, thanks for reaching out! You should be able to remove that option from your customer statements by turning off payments on your account, you can do so via Settings > Payments > toggle bank & credit card payments off. :smile:

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    SustainergySustainergy Member Posts: 2

    Hi @Zoe_caff. Thanks, but we already had payments toggled off -- we've never accepted a credit card payment. However, the credit card icons still show up on customer statements.

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Sustainergy . I took a deeper look into this and you're right, this does appear on Customer Statements. The good news here is that your customers don't have an option to pay through Wave (payment options are still being respected) although you're correct in saying this is definitely misleading.

    With all of this being said, we are currently doing work on Customer Statements in Wave so I've passed this feedback along to the team so they know it's going on. Thanks for the heads up!

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    chrisschroeder2chrisschroeder2 Member Posts: 6

    @ AlexL I have the same confusion with a customer asking for clarification after I provided them a statement.


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    Jack174Jack174 Member Posts: 1
    Customize Statements
    Wave Accounting statements need the ability to add a customer name, job, case or project. Attorneys are my customers and I may work on multiple cases with one Attorney. Statements must reference the specific case. Thank you.
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    Steve_WheelerSteve_Wheeler Member Posts: 1

    Is it possible to customize a statement to include the GST tax ?

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