
Is there a way to export account transactions with the category on them?

mikescoolmikescool Member Posts: 4

I'm asking this because we have accounts for the founders to keep track of expenses they paid out of pocke as shareholder's loan. Right now when we export it's only showing the description of each line, it would be great if we can see the category assigned to them as well. Is there a way to do this?

edited August 30, 2018 in Accounting Technical Support


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    Petra_BPetra_B Member Posts: 37

    Uh... You could just print out individual Account Transaction reports for each of those accounts. Would that help?

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    mikescoolmikescool Member Posts: 4

    Yes but the issue with that is you only see the itemized transactions. It would be nice to see the categories the expenses belonged to. (eg. 50% was on travel expense, 40% on office supply etc.)

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