Transportation Business

FahadFahad Member Posts: 2

I am into Transport business and would like to know how to categorize income and expense under products and services. I hire trucks from outside and pay for additional expenses like customs, port charges etc and invoice the customer in full with breakups. Some expenses are billed as actuals while expenses like clearing and transportation are invoiced to the customer after adding my margin to it. Sometimes, an advance is taken from the customer against customs duty or border expenses. Please help me categorize the expense and income account while creating the products and services.



  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Fahad.

    There's an article on the Help Center that might help you out. You can find it here.

    If you want to more easily separate those expenses, you could also make expense accounts for each of those clients and archive them when the work is complete (assuming they aren't regular clients).

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