Problems connecting to bank and uploading bank statement

devinestormdevinestorm Member Posts: 12

HI Team,

So I joined on the weekend, and have not been able to connect to my bank account or import a bank statement. I've made a couple of comments on other posts, but not sure how this forum works and if anyone has seen it.

So I have tried to connect to 2 x banks - 1 in UK, and 1 in NZ - both are personal accounts - so not sure if this is why it hasnt worked? Basically I add my login details, then it sometimes come up with the verifying you are a person thing (e..g how many squares have signs, or cars etc) - then nothing happens....... I've tried using Chrome and Edge.

Then I tried to import bank statements, I first tried CSV as I wanted to test the data first. I read various information, tried the template, read some other comments threads - but nothing works. I also tried using real data in OFX format, and again following the suggestion of changing some of the text in notepad - with no luck.

If someone could help that would be great :)

edited June 5, 2018 in Bank Connections


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @devinestorm!

    There are a few things I'd like you to try. Could you try uploading this file to Google Sheets, and re-downloading it as a CSV file? Sometimes, that helps.

    You might also want to clear your browser's cache.

    Out of curiosity, have you tried doing this from a different device?

  • devinestormdevinestorm Member Posts: 12

    Hi @Alexia

    I have tried both of those things, google sheets, and clearing cache. I can try again.......

    I will also try on a different machine.

    What about the bank connection? Yesterday you said you could not see any connection attempts? Have you had a chance to look into this further.

    I also had further problems when testing the customer import..... (please see attached). I used the template, with the ISO country NZL, ISO currency NZD

    So things arent going very well at all.......... :(

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @devinestorm.

    Can you send me your bank statement CSV by private message? I'd like to test it out on my end. I'm also happy to check that Customer import CSV file as well.

    As for the bank connection issues, that just means that you've never managed to complete an attempt. Let's continue working on the bank connection issue in that other thread.

    edited June 8, 2018
  • trcltrcl Member Posts: 2

    I've been having the same problem. It won't connect to the bank (ANZ New Zealand) nor upload a bank statement - no matter which format. I get the same error message each time i.e. "Please upload a bank statement file."

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thank you for letting us know, @trcl.

    This issue is affecting some of our New Zealand users and we're working on resolving as soon as possible. I don't have a timeline to offer at this time.

    Until it is resolved, you'll have to enter your transaction manually. I understand how frustrating this can be but know that we're doing everything we can to resolve this in a timely manner.

  • VTOVTO Member Posts: 3

    Hi @Alexia, did you managed to test on your end a bank statement CSV file from @devinestorm? Any luck or follow up that could be useful for any New Zealand member with the same issue?

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @VTO,

    I haven't gotten news on my end, but I know that a few other users in New Zealand did manage to upload CSVs. Someone reported that their issues stopped entirely after changing their internet service provider (from Orcon to 2Degrees, if that helps).

    Can you post a few rows from your own CSV statement (with any private information removed) and I might be able to help out.

  • VTOVTO Member Posts: 3

    Thanks Alexia, interesting about Orcon. I’m on Orcon too. I will try on the 2 degrees, see if it loads up and let you know.

  • VTOVTO Member Posts: 3

    Ok, I can confirm by using my mobile hotspot connection with 2Degrees I managed to upload a statement exported from ASB classic in the .CSV generic and .OFX Money format. Both were successfully loaded and recognised.
    Not sure if the connection with the bank issue is also caused by Orcon . I decided that I won't connect the bank at the moment. Hopefully someone will try to connect this way and confirm it works.
    So not sure if it's a WAVE issue or more an Orcon one.??

    edited August 31, 2018
  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @VTO,

    It's hard to say, but if it works on a network that isn't Orcon, it does make me suspect that the issue might lie with them. It might be worth giving them a call (although I do relate with the difficulties around calling your internet service provider!) I know I've seen users with network-related issues with Wave who were able to solve it after a conversation with their ISPs. I can't make guarantees, but reaching out might help!

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