
CIMB Connection Malaysia

testsui001testsui001 Member Posts: 5

Hi, not sure if this is the right place to start this question.
I'm testing out Wave's features and in love with the bank connection feature!

However, im running a partnership company which CIMB bank does not allow us to use the platform you've already had it connected: cimbclicks.com.my (they held that this portal is for personal and sole proprietors)

CIMB now forces business with more than 1 owner to use this portal:

Would like to know if that is possible to add a connection address to this portal (http://www.cimb-bizchannel.com.my/) in addition to what we already had (https://www.cimbclicks.com.my/clicks/#/) currently, so that all of us CIMB user can make the most out of it?

Appreciate your kind assist, Thank you! :D

edited August 29, 2018 in Bank Connections


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @testsui001.

    Wave's bank connection system is handled by a third-party data provider, so we don't have direct control over adding new banks (this would be treated as a new bank) to your options. You can make the request by making any search in the search bar on the Bank Connection page and clicking "Can't find your banks?"

    Fill in that form with the name of this new service, as well as the URL for the login page, and the request will be forwarded to our data provider.

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    testsui001testsui001 Member Posts: 5

    Great that is truly what i was looking for, thank you alexia :):)

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    No problem at all!

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