
Cannot edit bank credentials

NZDANelsonNZDANelson Member Posts: 2

Hi. I recently took over as our society secretary, and edited the bank credentials to my own login details. Since then I have been unable to update the bank account, also I am equally unable to edit the bank credentials or even check that I didn't screw them up.
I have considered deleting and recreating the connection, but I'm scared I might lose chunks of data? The account has only been connected since March 2018 so not too long.
The error message is telling me the account is locked. It is not as I can access it easily otherwise. Mainly it seems weird that I cannot update the credentials. The window entitled Username etc opens and then there is a literally infinite wait for the wait swirly to stop swirling but never stops. A few times it has finally told me - "Unable to edit bank credentials, please try again later". Am up to day 4 of trying but nothing is changing.

Please advise if you can

edited August 29, 2018 in Bank Connections


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    NZDANelsonNZDANelson Member Posts: 2

    This is the screen I get for infinity. I wonder. If I delete and re-create my connection will I lose all my history?

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @NZDANelson.

    You won't lose anything that was already uploaded. Once transactions are imported from your bank, they exist independently of the connection. Deleting that connection and adding it again won't affect past transactions at all.

    That being said, I would recommend trying to clear your browser's cache first. It might help!

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