Transaction Questions

vmailvmail Member Posts: 9

When merging an uploaded receipt transaction and an imported bank transaction is there a way to choose which transaction text to use?

Is is possible to move receipt transaction and an imported bank transaction to another "company"?


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @vmail.

    The merge function does this automatically. The merge function combines two transactions and prioritizes different fields in different ways. Your resulting transaction will usually look like a bit of a mix of both transactions. You can just details from that merged transaction after the fact, however. Are you finding that the merge function doesn't prioritize information quite right? If that's the case, can you give me an example?

    No, it isn't possible to simply move transactions or receipts between companies right now. You'll have to delete those transactions and enter them again manually for your other business.

  • vmailvmail Member Posts: 9

    Hi @Alexia
    I've imported my Revolut card transactions manually (You don't support this card). I then took a photo of my receipt and let the OCR pixies do their job.
    I correct the receipt from £55 to €55, select a category and payment account.

    On the transactions screen, I change the converted GBP 47.95 from the receipt to match the £47.89 Revolut transactions.
    I select "Ristorante Da Dante FX Rate £1 = €1.1485 EUR 55.00" (Revolut transaction) and "Ristorante Dante" (Receipt) and merge them.

    The merged description is "Ristorante Dante" I have to manually change it to "Ristorante Da Dante FX Rate £1 = €1.1485 EUR 55.00"

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thanks for following up, @vmail! I'll pass your feedback along to our developers!

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