Currency alway $ in transaction?

UHRP3UHRP3 Member Posts: 78 ✭✭


We have the business currency as INR, but in the transation page Wave always show the currency as $

Ideally Wave should show the business currency



  • RezaReza Member Posts: 24 admin

    Hi UHRP3. Would you ever invoice in any other currency? The reason I'm asking is to figure out whether it should be business or invoice currency, at least in cases where the transaction is tied to an invoice.

  • UHRP3UHRP3 Member Posts: 78 ✭✭

    Hi @Reza

    We always invoice in business currency.

    edited June 12, 2018
  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @UHRP3.

    We're aware of this issue and are working on a way to resolve it. I can't give you an exact timeline as to when this will be fixed, but our engineers are on the jobs.

    The good news is that this is just a graphical thing and won't affect your numbers at all.

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