
US Bank - Existing connection won't connect

WDLWDL Member Posts: 5

I have been using my US Bank connection for over 2 years with no issues, and the last 5 days I have been getting an error message I cannot resolve.

I have tried the troubleshooting / reconnecting / re entering credentials. Below is the error message I am receiving.

"Your bank wants you to view a message or request before Wave can access your transactions. Log in to your online banking and click through to your account overview page. Then try connecting to Wave again. Tip: Clear your history and turn off any ad blockers before checking your online account."

I have logged into my bank and see no issues / messages / popups. This issue happens on ANY computer I access wave from so I assume this is a Yodlee or Wave related issues vs my computer.

Help would be appreciated

edited August 29, 2018 in Bank Connections


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @WDL.

    From what I can tell, you are right, there's a communication issue between your bank and Yodlee, which is causing the failure in your bank connection. This could be because of a change in the backend of your bank's website, for example. We do report bank connection issues to Yodlee, so while I can't give a timeline as to when this will be fixed, they'll be made aware of this issue. They'll be working on fixing this connection following their own priority order.

    In the meantime, you can upload your bank statements to Wave manually. Here's how you can do this.

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    WDLWDL Member Posts: 5


    I actually have NO problem connecting to my personal account with the same bank (even has some accounts linked to my business account). Which is odd.

    Just that ONE account I cannot link too now.

    I am doing it manually for now. If it prolonged longer than a month i'll obviously have to switch systems! I'd hate to do that as I enjoy wave so much!

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    brookridgebrookridge Member Posts: 1

    BTW, I've been using Wave/USBank for 5 years or more and I am getting the same issue as WDL described. I've tried cleaning caches, navigating all over USBank's website, but I still cannot connect.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @WDL and @brookridge.

    You can read a bit more about the bank connection system here.

    We will be reporting these issues to our bank provider, but we don't have direct control over resolving issues like this one. As mentioned in my previous reply, they will get to it following their own priority order.

    I do recommend trying to upload your bank statement manually instead. It's a quick and painless process that shouldn't take much more than a minute or two out of your week.

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    Blitz99Blitz99 Member Posts: 1

    Having the exact same issue with US Bank not connecting. Never been a problem for the nearly 3 years of use. Same message as the above user - "Your bank wants you to view a message or request before Wave can access your transactions. Log in to your online banking and click through to your account overview page. Then try connecting to Wave again. Tip: Clear your history and turn off any ad blockers before checking your online account."

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    WDLWDL Member Posts: 5

    When dealing with up to 100 transactions a day across three accounts and then waiting for them to post and keeping track of all that, manual upload of statements is a bit sloppy at best and not ideal. Hopefully this feature is resolved asap as without it, the system unfortunately will not suit the business needs!

    Currently I am having to wait at least 5 days after the days i wish to reconcile to ensure all transactions are posted before uploading manual statements to avoid missing transactions. Means I am basically working 2 weeks behind which is not ideal when you don't have a accountant.

    Hoping for quick resolution!

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Blitz99 and @WDL.

    I understand your frustration and I wish I could give you a specific timeline, but as mentioned earlier, it isn't in our hands.

    Bank connections are always tricky. Given the complexity of bank connections, and the sheer amount of banks our provider connects us to, outages like this one can happen. Further complicating things, financial institutions also often try to block third-party data aggregators from exporting data, even with the account holder's approval.

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    mrahelmrahel Member Posts: 1

    @Alexia any updates on this? Its been a few days and still not working. Same issue as the others have posted - with the message about US Bank wanting me to see a message or something.

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    andybarnettandybarnett Member Posts: 4

    Hey, I'm having this same issue with my connection to US Bank...It keeps saying to log in and view a message on my bank's side, and I've tried everything to no avail. I've been using WaveApps for several years and have been very happy, but I need this to be fixed soon! Otherwise I'm afraid I'm going to have to look at other options for my business. :(

    edited June 20, 2018
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    OEEmbOEEmb Member Posts: 1

    Same as all the above. Almost two weeks now with no bank updates. I would love to see this resolved soon.

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    CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    Hi all! The interruption you're experiencing is a result of updates US Bank made to its website, causing problems for our data provider. Our data provider has been hard at work attempting to understand and resolve the problem since the issue began, on June 6th. We've added this post: https://support.waveapps.com/hc/en-us/articles/360001054426 where we'll add updates as they're communicated to us, and post here too.

    Thank you all for your patience. We totally appreciate that this is a major inconvenience. Bank connections are complex and these types of fixes may not always be easy to implement, but their team is on it, and we're committed to keeping you updated.

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    andybarnettandybarnett Member Posts: 4

    Any news on the US Bank connection problem?

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    WDLWDL Member Posts: 5

    My connection re-established today!


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @andybarnett.

    From what I can see on this end, it seems that your bank connection is active and successful again. Can you check and confirm this?

    Happy to hear yours is back, @WDL!

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    andybarnettandybarnett Member Posts: 4

    Hi @alexia , Yes it appears to finally be working for me as well! :) Thank you!!

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    More than happy to hear that, @andybarnett!

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    WDLWDL Member Posts: 5

    Bad news! The CREDIT CARD's are not updating i've noticed. JUST the checking accounts.

    The balances shown by wave are correct but no transactions on the Credit Cards are being imported. I tried shutting them on and off again, no avail!

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @WDL.

    Thanks for letting us know. We'll continue reporting those errors to our data provider, but I do recommend turning off the integration and uploading CSV statements instead if the issues persist for a long time. Thanks!

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