
Cannot connect any banks

Matthew HanoverMatthew Hanover Member Posts: 1

I have tried multiple banks multiple times and I only get the spinning moon. I am just trying this for the first time and am giving up and going back to Quicken. Bummer that this doesn't work. They need to charge money and staff a help desk and fix this thing.

edited August 30, 2018 in Bank Connections


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    CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    Hi Matthew, thanks for your post.

    As I mentioned in the other thread, yesterday - and possibly Tuesday - we experienced an issue where new bank connections couldn't be added that may have also impacted the ability to update existing connections. This issue was likely the resultof an upgrade to our systems that was made earlier in the week. For issues that arise on our side, Wave has an in-house Integrations team. From the time that this issue was identified, our team worked to resolve it. The issue with the 'half moon' perpetual loading symbol is now fixed.

    I'd like to also note that many (even most) bank connection issues are not fixed in-house because they are facilitated by a third party data provider. Other platforms in our industry often use a similar service provider relationship to facilitate bank connections. You can read more about this process and our data providerherein a post by our Director of Customer Success.

    When issues like these arise, we do all we can do advocate for you, but we cannot necessarily resolve these issues directly. Because of this, we offer alternate methods, such as transaction upload.

    Thanks again for posting - I hope to hear the issue was resolved on your end as well! :)

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    MaryMary Member Posts: 3

    I have tried numerous times to connect to my bank but after entering the login & password, and ticking the recaptcha, it checks the data for a while then error message comes "unable to connect. Try again later"
    This has happened all day. Its the first time I have tried connecting, am I doing something wrong?

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    CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    @Mary Hi! The data provider through which Wave is able to provide bank connections is experiencing issues following maintenance this weekend, and it's possible what you're seeing is related to this. If this is the issue, please know our team is working together with our data provider but we don't currently have an ETA for resolution.

    It is unrelated to the issue being referenced in the initial post in this thread. I'll create another post for the new issue you are experiencing, and you are welcome to follow up there.

This discussion has been closed.