Sales Tax not removed

ioannistioannist Member Posts: 7

As a new user of the platform, I experimented with some sales taxes entries and then I removed the ones I did not wish to use. These had zero records in them and obviously, 0 balance.

When i went to generate a report for sales taxes, the system printed all sales taxes entries, even the ones I had deleted. This made the report unusable.

I understand that even deleted entries should remain in the system, IF there is a balance in them. However, if a sales tax was entered, never used, and then removed, it should not litter the sales tax report.

I was wondering if there is a way to remove these entries from my account, maybe with the help of a system admin; otherwise, I have to setup my account anew.


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @ioannist.

    Is it possible that, when you created your tax, you didn't mark it as recoverable? There's a box that needs to be checked during Sales tax creation to make it recoverable. You can learn a bit more about this here.

    If that's what happened, you'll have to create a new tax that is recoverable, change it manually on all taxed transactions and then delete your original, non-recoverable tax.

  • arcarc Member Posts: 1


    @Alexia the problem is with the Sales Tax Report generation. I have also got the same problem as @ioannist . I made a new sales tax by mistake and removed it later with no transaction associated to it. However in the Sales Tax Report page I still see the already removed tax entry. Take a look at the image.

    The question is how can we remove this entry ALSO from the Sales Tax Report?

    Here is the Sale Tax entries in the settings:

    edited June 18, 2018
  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @arc.

    You can check if you set that tax as recoverable or not by clicking the pencil icon next to it. If it isn't set as recoverable, then you won't see the amount for taxed expenses. As mentioned in my last reply, that'll mean you'll have to recreate this tax, and then go change it everywhere it needs changing.

    As for the deleted tax on your Sales Tax report, we are aware of this issue and are currently working on a solution. I don't have an ETA as to when it'll be resolved, but our engineers are on it. Luckily, since it is otherwise deleted, it won't affect any of your numbers, it will only look a bit untidy until we find a solution.

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