On-Account Credit

SteliosStelios Member Posts: 2

How is possible to record an on account receipt of money for a listed customer


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Stelios.

    That depends on a few factors. Can you give me a bit more context as to how this credit came to be? Was it an overpayment for a different invoice? If that's the case, we do have an article on the Help Center explaining how that's handled.

  • SteliosStelios Member Posts: 2

    Hi, @Alexia,
    thanks for your immediate response to my inquiry.
    The situation is as follows: The customer buys consumables and services on a weekly basis and he issues a cheque against the invoices. of course before the end of the credit days(30 e.g) settles the amount due with another cheque .

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Stelios.

    So between the article in my last reply, and this one on pre-payments and deposits, you should have everything you need to handle this situation. It'll be a bit of work on your end, but you'll be able to make sense of these payments.

    Let me know if you encounter any problems and I'll see how I can help.

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