
Businesses default emails

GordonGordon Member Posts: 3

Can each businesses default email be declared in each businesses' profile so that the user doesn't have to select the default email for the whole Wave account? I'd prefer for separate businesses to have their emails declared here so that when emails are sent out you're confident that they are being delivered using each businesses own email address.



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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Gordon.

    It isn't currently possible to do this since email addresses are only attached to an entire account rather than a given business. I have seen quite a few requests for a feature like this one, however.

    Can you tell me a bit more about your two businesses, and why they couldn't show the same email address? The more information you can give us about your specific case, the better we'll be able to assess your feature suggestion.

    As a workaround for the time being, you could put your business-specific email in the notes section for the time being, as part of a note saying "If you have any comments or questions, please reach out to #####@emaildomain.biz".

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    GordonGordon Member Posts: 3

    Hello, @Alexia.

    Basically, I have two businesses with their own email addresses and domain names (e.g. finance@businessone.com and finance@businesstwo.com). I'd like for these separate email addresses to be used by each business so that when quotations/invoices/bills are sent off they don't use the Wave accounts default email address, which may be one of the two or my personal email address.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thanks for following and for your feedback, @Gordon!

    I can't make any promises, but I can tell you that feedback from Wavers has a significant impact on how we choose what to build next for Wave, so again, thank you for taking the time to provide yours!

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    KarlaKarla Member Posts: 1

    I would like this feature as well. Its driving me crazy not having it.

    I have two very different businesses set up on Wave. A custom artwork business and an virtual assistant business. I have different emails for each business and I WISH there was a way that the email correspondence would get sent to each associated business email. It does not make any sense that I should use 1 email for these two businesses.

    Currently all correspondence, invoice copies, and "you got paid" notices get sent to my Virtual Assistant business email account. I then have to sort through them and find the Art-related emails and forward those emails to the Art business email account so I have the records in the right place. Talk about unnecessary work!

    edited November 5, 2018
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    Ryan_WRyan_W Member Posts: 452 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Karla

    I hear you loud and clear! As you can see, you're not alone in looking for more flexibility and ease with the way email addresses are set up. We'll continue to chart these requests for future refinements, although I can't give a firm if/when this gets changed. However, the more people that ask about it, the better!

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    GordonGordon Member Posts: 3

    Glad to see the feature included. Thanks @Alexia and @Ryan_W

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    KatKat Member Posts: 1

    Another vote for this feature!
    I have two businesses offering similar services to different niche markets. I really want to avoid cross promotion, which is currently impossible with having all my invoices sent from the one email address.
    Plus, the need to avoid confusion in my clients receiving emails from an unrecognised business asking for money!

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    leemarquisleemarquis Member Posts: 6

    Another vote for this please. Very frustrating to send an invoice from 2nd business and then realise it went out using the email address of the 1st business!

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    ramrulesramrules Member Posts: 1

    I'd also like this feature.
    Is this still not a thing? Nearly 2 years later

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    JonathanCarterJonathanCarter Member Posts: 2

    as a work-around, set the primary email address when going to run invoices for a particular business. this will then default the "send" to your primary. You can change the primary when ever you want.

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    Jacob_DavisJacob_Davis Member Posts: 1

    I also need this feature, I have several businesses I run, and always changing the email address gets very frustrating, especially when I know that this is a relatively simple database and view change. Please prioritize this feature!

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