Primer for importing from Quickbooks Online?

DrewMDrewM Member Posts: 3

I'd very much like to find an alternative to Quickbooks Online for a variety of reasons, and signed up to Wave to look around.

Is there a primer for importing data from Quickbooks online? If there's a relatively easy way to do it, I'd like to run both for a while to see how things go.

Thanks to all...


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @DrewM.

    Good news! We have exactly what you're looking for on the Help Center. Check out this guide.

    If you're looking for more help getting started, I also recommend taking a look at Fearless Account, our guide to best practices in Wave.

    If you have any questions at all, don't hesitate to ask, I'm here to help!

  • DrewMDrewM Member Posts: 3

    I saw this, thanks. But does it allow me to import old records from Quickbooks, as opposed to just using Wave going forward? It won't be in my interest to have to keep paying for Quickbooks for just keeping the old records.

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @DrewM.

    You won't be able to upload everything directly. My recommendation would be to download every record you can from Quickbooks, and then start fresh with Wave as of a specific date. Using your trial balances, you'll be able to set up the amounts of all of your accounts accurately and continue your accounting on Wave from here on out. If there are issues with your numbers, later on, you will have copies of your reports with Quickbooks to refer to.

  • DrewMDrewM Member Posts: 3

    Thanks, Alexia...unfortunately, that won't work for me. If there's not a way for me to keep previous transactions online in Wave, I'll need to look elsewhere.

  • ManiMani Member Posts: 82 ✭✭✭

    @DrewM Can you take us through your use case for keeping transactions, receipts, invoices, bills, etc. online for a closed year vs. archiving it digitally? When do you refer back to those records? This will help us understand if there's a gap in the way we're supporting people switching from other accounting software. Thank you.

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